ERA 2024-2025 Product Catalog
Waters introduce Xevo G3 QTof system
RADIAN ASAP Direct Mass Detector
Waters Xevo TQ Absolute
Shine - Ion chromatograph - CIC-D100
PMSG (optimised) ELISA - EIA1298
Strongyloides IgG Elisa Kit - EIA4208
Core Separation SFX500
HYBRID XL: Now FDA exempt for Class I
CIC-D150 Ion chromatograph
CIC-D300+ Dual-channel ion chromatograph
Ion Chromatography Anion and Cation Columns and suppressors
Inorganic Reagents
Milli-Q® IQ Element
Milli-Q® EQ 7000
Milli-Q® Direct
Milli-Q® IQ 7000
Milli-Q® IQ 7003/05/10/15 Ultrapure and Pure Lab Water Purification System